Our Vision
Promoting blockchain and enable everyone to benefit it, is the vision of BuckChaf .
BuckChaf 不僅僅推廣技術,而是創造一個對區塊鏈更友善、因而更美好的世界,而你我都會是其中的重要動力。
Our services
Blockchain Services
Digital Wallet
電子支付系統於 Fintech 及 區塊鏈是密不可分的應用場景,隨著企業逐漸重視會員點數生態系,也發展出更加成熟的電子支付服務,而使用區塊鏈的電子錢包,除了可以應用於保障會員的私鑰所有權,使得會員更加安心,加密貨幣等新型態的電子支付也有強大的發展潛能。
🔥 點此了解更多
Smart Healthcare
🔥 點此了解更多
Our Products
BuckChaf releases a series of products guide you to get acquainted with the knowledges and skills in blockchain step by step with us. Furthermore, you could know how to invest in cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, even apply cryptocurrency in your daily lives. Join the world of blockchain with us now!!
BuckChaf Payment System
BuckChaf Payment System enables you to pay through your mobiles once you passed NFC. Applying cryptocurrency to your daily lives isn't an idea in the clouds!
Our Milestones
Sep, 2018
🌟BuckChaf Core team established
👬 Beginning of cultivating technical and business partnerships 🤝
Oct, 2018 ───────
✏️ BuckChaf company registered and certificated
💰Optimizing the regulations, financial associations advisory, executive plans
📄Details revised of Advanced functions and business partners
🔍Individual KYC Data intergrations
Dec, 2018 ───────
👋 Business Partners cooperation starts
📺 "Blockbar" Blockchain self-owned media test
April, 2019 ──────
"Blockbar" self-owned media Releases
👬New Business Partners:
🎫ABA, Asia Blockchain Accelerator
🎫British Blockchain Association
May, 2019
👬New Business Partners:
🎫💰Singapore FTAs
🎫🏫National University of Singapore, NUS
🎫🏫Nanyang Technological University, NTU
🎫🏫Soochow University, SCU(Taiwan)
🎫🌍Intel Wise
🎫💰Ace Digital Innovations
🎫The PARTY of College studio
June, 2019 ─────
🌍Blockchain development projects initiated
🥚Blockchain Accelerator Project initiated
👬New Business Partners:
🎫🏫 National Tainan University
🎫🚪Scoreway co-working space
July, 2019 ─────
🏫"College of Blockchain Asia" Opening Press
🏫 「CBA 亞洲區塊鏈學院」成立
CBA 商業班第一期開課
👬 Partnerships confirmed
🤝STO Services Team established
2019 Q3 ────
👬"STO Services" Releases
🔧CBA 技術班開課
💼CBA 商業班第二、三期開課
👬CBA 小聚 #1~#4
(Singapore) 1Exchange
(Singapore) iSTOX
(HK) MaiCapital
2019 Q4 ────
👬"STO Services" BD
2020 Q1 & Q2 ─────
2020 Q3 & Q4 ────
📱"BuckChaf Payment System" Releases
BuckChaf Events
BuckChaf Team
Ting-wei Liu
Yu-Wei Lee
I-Tse Ho
Yi-Rou Su
Chao-Wei Chiu
Yi-Chen Lin
Creative Director
BuckChaf Consultants
Gaspar Lin Asia Market Consultant
Gasper has been in asian informative technology industry for years, devoted huge to asian blockchain market, and he holds international resources across asian countries.
Gasper provides professional suggestions and international resources to BuckChaf services includingSmart City, CBA and Payment System.
Raymond Haung Taiwanese Food Industry and supply chain consultant
Raymond knows through Taiwanese food industry and supply chain, and he has many insights about about payment issues in supply chain.
Raymond holds key resources in Taiwanese market, which enables BuckChaf to import them into our payment system.
VINCENZO COGLIAN Economics of Cryptocurrency consultant
Vincenzo as an Economics of Cryptocurrency consultant, he graduated with Economical Financial PHD in LUISS Guido Carli, and he has experiences in financial, securities, financing.
Vincenzo has experiences in cryptocurrency market for years. He researches cryptocurrency economics, and he believes cryptocurrency would solve issues and drawbacks in traditional financial industry.
Vincenzo is convinced that BuckChaf has sufficient ability and technique to contribute to blockchain and utilize cryptocurrency to its full potential. He provides suggestions to help BuckChaf to be valuable in the world of cryptocurrency.